

Guide to the Collection

Restrictions on Access

Access to the originals is restricted. This collection is available as color digital facsimiles (see links below).

Collection Summary


这个收藏包括16封信,其中14封信是写给威廉的 尤斯蒂斯来自美国.S. 以及他妻子卡洛琳之间的两封信(兰登) 尤斯蒂 and Dolley Madison.

Biographical Sketch

威廉·尤斯蒂斯(1753-1825)是一位医生、政治家和外交家. He studied medicine 在博士. 约瑟夫·沃伦在美国战争期间担任战地军医 Revolution, including at the Battle of Bunker Hill. 尤斯蒂 served as a Massachusetts representative, 1788-1794; U.S. representative, 1801-1805 and 1820-1823; secretary of war under James Madison, 1809-1812; minister to the Netherlands, 1814-1818; and governor of Massachusetts, 1823-1825.

1810年,威廉·尤斯蒂斯与伍德伯里的女儿卡罗琳·兰登(1781-1865)结婚 Sarah Warner (Sherburne) Langdon. The 尤斯蒂es had no children.

Collection Description

本作品集由16封信组成,其中14封是写给威廉·尤斯蒂斯的,两封是写给他的 wife Caroline (Langdon) 尤斯蒂 and Dolley Madison. Included are letters to William 尤斯蒂 from 埃尔布里奇·格里和詹姆斯·沙利文对尤斯蒂斯的工作进行了评价.S. Congressman from Massachusetts related to the Louisiana Purchase; James Monroe about the Marquis de Lafayette, trade with the Netherlands, and personal matters; Henry Dearborn about the arrest of Aaron Burr for treason in the Burr Conspiracy; John Quincy Adams about his break with the Federalist Party and support of Jefferson's Embargo Act of 1807, as well as personal matters; Thomas Jefferson about resolutions 来自波士顿市民的支持禁运法案和美国.S. neutrality in the war between 英国和法国,尤斯蒂斯被任命为战争部长,以及北方的联邦党人 threatening to secede; James Madison about the nation's armories and fortifications before the 1812年的战争,囚禁印第安人作为人质的可能性,以及其他问题 related to the war; Paul Hamilton about his retirement, Albert Gallatin and Russian mediation in the War of 1812, and personal matters; and Lafayette about his interest in America and the French Chamber of Deputies. 卡洛琳·尤斯蒂斯(兰登饰)和多莉·麦迪逊之间的信件是有关联的 尤斯蒂斯在欧洲的活动以及麦迪逊作为第一夫人的职责,她的生活 华盛顿特区.C., and mutual 朋友.

Acquisition Information

Gift of an anonymous donor, April 2019.

Restrictions on Access

Access to the originals is restricted. This collection is available as color digital facsimiles (see links below).



Detailed Description of the Collection

Invitation from Thomas Jefferson to William 尤斯蒂, 10月19日. 1803

托马斯·杰斐逊邀请威廉·尤斯蒂斯于10月21日星期五共进晚餐. 1803. 印刷 document completed in manuscript.

Letter from Elbridge Gerry to William 尤斯蒂, 10月24日. 1803

Letter from Elbridge Gerry (Cambridge, Mass.) wishing William 尤斯蒂 (华盛顿特区.C.运气) 在美国.S. 众议院辩论路易斯安那州的购买和询问有关土地的信息 俄亥俄州.

Letter from James Sullivan to William 尤斯蒂, 11月7日. 1803

Letter from James Sullivan (Boston, Mass.) to William 尤斯蒂 (华盛顿特区.C.)推荐 威廉·赫尔将军在路易斯安那州的一次会面,并讨论了 appointing a New Englander.

Letter from James Monroe to William 尤斯蒂, 8月30日. 1806

詹姆斯·门罗(英国伦敦)给威廉·尤斯蒂斯的信,介绍持票人. 巴纳德,讨论门罗-平克尼条约的谈判.

Letter from Henry Dearborn to William 尤斯蒂, 4月5日. 1807

Letter from Henry Dearborn (华盛顿特区.C.) to William 尤斯蒂 about the appointment of [Lemuel] Trescott [as collector at Machias, Me.] and the escape and recapture of Aaron Burr in 1807年2月.

Letter from John Quincy Adams to William 尤斯蒂, 4月25日. 1808

Letter from John Quincy Adams (华盛顿特区.C.) to William 尤斯蒂 about Adams's break with 联邦党和支持托马斯·杰斐逊的1807年禁运法案,原因是 他的决定,以及报纸上有关禁运的文章.

Letter from Thomas Jefferson to William 尤斯蒂, 1月14日. 1809

Letter from Thomas Jefferson (华盛顿特区.C.) thanking William 尤斯蒂 (Boston, Mass.) 支持1807年禁运法案的波士顿共和党公民的决议 讨论禁运的原因,包括违反美国法律.S. neutrality by England and 法国, as well as misinformation about the policy.

A transcription of this letter is available at http://founders.archives.gov/documents/Jefferson/99-01-02-9538.

Letter from Thomas Jefferson to William 尤斯蒂, 10月6日. 1809

Letter from Thomas Jefferson (Monticello, Va.) to William 尤斯蒂 forwarding a solicitation 来自一个穷人,祝贺尤斯蒂斯被任命为战争部长,并批评他 Federalists in the North threatening to secede.

A transcription of this letter is available at http://founders.archives.gov/documents/Jefferson/03-01-02-0455.

Letter from James Madison to William 尤斯蒂, 8月20日. 1811

Letter from James Madison (Montpelier, Va.) to William 尤斯蒂 about the nation's armories 还有防御工事,以及奥塞奇族和乔克托族酋长可能到访的地方.

Letter from James Madison to William 尤斯蒂, 9月8日. 1812

Letter from James Madison (Montpelier, Va.) to William 尤斯蒂 (华盛顿特区.C.) 囚禁印第安人作为人质,占领福特堡的正当理由 韦恩,可能远征上加拿大,和威廉·赫尔之后的声誉 the surrender of Fort Detroit.

Letter from Paul Hamilton to William 尤斯蒂, 3月30日. 1813

Letter from Paul Hamilton (华盛顿特区.C.) to William 尤斯蒂 (Boston, Mass.) 尤斯蒂斯的退休,汉密尔顿被任命为南卡罗来纳贷款专员, 俄国调停以结束1812年战争,并可能任命阿尔伯特·加拉廷为 谈判代表.

卡罗琳(兰登)尤斯蒂斯给多莉·麦迪逊的信 9月9日. 1815

卡洛琳·尤斯蒂斯(兰登)(荷兰海牙)给多莉·麦迪逊的信 出席在比利时布鲁塞尔举行的[威廉一世]加冕典礼的邀请.

多莉·麦迪逊给卡洛琳·尤斯蒂斯的信 5月17日 1816

Letter from Dolley Madison [华盛顿特区.C.] to Caroline (Langdon) 尤斯蒂 about Madison's 作为第一夫人的职责,她在华盛顿的生活.C., and mutual 朋友.

Letter from James Monroe to William 尤斯蒂, 9月24日. 1816

詹姆斯·门罗(弗吉尼亚)致威廉·尤斯蒂斯og体育平台巴黎、拉法耶特侯爵、 trade with the Netherlands, Col. [James] Morrison of Kentucky, and news of family and 朋友.

Letter from the Marquis de Lafayette to William 尤斯蒂, 12月1. 1816

拉法耶特侯爵(法国画眉山庄)给威廉·尤斯蒂斯(布鲁塞尔)的信 Belgium) Lafayette's interest 在美国.S., an attack on an American ship [possibly the 煽动者] by a Spanish squadron, other international news, and debates in 法国's Chamber of Deputies.

Letter from John Quincy Adams to William 尤斯蒂, 10月1日. 1823

Letter from John Quincy Adams (Quincy, Mass.) to William 尤斯蒂 (Roxbury, Mass.)下降 为了和父亲约翰·亚当斯住在一起,他收到了去剧院的邀请,并承诺 visit 尤斯蒂 before returning to Washington.

Preferred Citation



这个og体育官网在下列标题下进行索引 阿比盖尔, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, 组织或主题应该使用这些标题搜索目录.


Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848.
Burr, Aaron, 1756-1836.
Dearborn, Henry, 1751-1829.
尤斯蒂, Caroline Langdon, 1781-1865.
Gallatin, Albert, 1761-1849.
Gerry, Elbridge, 1744-1814.
Hamilton, Paul, 1762-1816.
Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826.
拉法耶特,玛丽·约瑟夫·保罗·伊夫·罗克吉尔伯特·杜·莫蒂埃侯爵 de, 1757-1834.
Madison, Dolley, 1768-1849.
Madison, James, 1751-1836.
Monroe, James, 1758-1831.
Sullivan, James, 1744-1808.


法国. Chambre des députés.


Burr Conspiracy, 1805-1807.
Embargo, 1807-1809.
法国--Politics and government--1814-1830.
Indians of North America--Civil rights.
Indians of North America--Government relations--1789-1869.
Legislators--United States.
Louisiana Purchase.
Netherlands--Commerce--United States.
Political parties--United States--History--19th century.
Presidents--United States.
Presidents' spouses--United States.
Russia--Foreign relations--United States.
United States--Commerce--Netherlands.
United States--Foreign relations--1801-1815.
United States--Foreign relations--Russia.
United States--History--War of 1812.
United States--Politics and government--1801-1809.
United States--Politics and government--1809-1817.